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Mar 29, 2025
2016 turned out to be the year of a serious Chinese breakthrough of our publishing house.🇨🇳
Publishing agreements have been signed for 21 book, several of them have already been released.
China has become 21st of the countries that have acquired rights for A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA`s books.
Oct 24, 2016
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA at Frankfurt Book Fair-2016
Feeling uplifted on the return from Frankfurt Book Fair-2016!
Aug 27, 2016
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA presents: for the first time in Ukraine - young poets of the U.S.A
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers presents the first translated anthology of young poetry of the U.S.A. recently in the world!
This Anthology comprises selected poems from a vast array of young poets from the U.S.A. (35 authors). Most of them were assembled, compiled, and translated by Taras Malkovych, a young Ukrainian poet who lived in NYC researching young U.S. poets as a Fulbright Scholarship holder. It is the first translated anthology of young poetry from the U.S.A. recently in the world. The introduction for the anthology was written by Tom Healy, poet, head of the Fulbright Scholarship Board in New York.
Dec 22, 2015
An interactive book by A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA has upended the policy of a top U.S. children's literature blog
Snow Queen by A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA became in fact the first interactive book in the world (!) to ever be reviewed on Seven Impossible Things Before Breakfast, a top U.S. children's literature blog which had a policy to never revievew any interactive books.
Jul 13, 2015
A present for the lovely Ukrainian Potter-fans
Our dearest Potter-fans! Look just how stylish and beautiful they are! All three Hogwarts Library books in one design. Look for them, order them, buy them, read them!
Jul 13, 2015
Ukrainian “Quidditch Through the Ages” saw the world
Ukrainian Quidditch through the Ages saw the world on July 13th. To be frank, the Quidditch came out especially exciting for A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA… The book will start selling in bookstores shortly.
Dec 12, 2014
"Go Dragons!" became the BBC Children’s Book of the Year 2014
BBC Ukrainian today announced the winners of its Book of the Year 2014 awards presented in partnership with the Cultural Programme of the European Bank For Reconstruction And Development (EBRD).
Sep 03, 2014
The new wonderful A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA releases of the restless autumn 2014
from the long-anticipated "Little Prince" illustrated by Yerko, to a thrilling, "Salinger-like" novella "I am from the Heavenly Hundred"
Dec 10, 2013
The Japanese version of the “Snow Queen” for iPad has topped the list of the best new interactive apps
December 5th was the day when the Japanese version of the “Snow Queen” for iPad was released, having promptly topped the list of the best new interactive apps of Japan.
The audio version of the fairy tale was recorded by a famous Japanese actress.
Nov 25, 2013
An exhibit of illustrations from A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers will open in the heart of New York
“For children ages 2 to 102”, an exhibit of illustrations from the best books of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers will open on December 13th in the heart of New York, 100 metres from the Metropolitan Museum.
Mar 22, 2013
The J. K. Rowling’s debut adult novel starts selling in Ukraine
Today the sale of the Ukrainian version of "The Casual Vacancy", J. K. Rowling’s first adult novel, started.
Dec 19, 2012
“Snow Queen” for iPad: an interactive Christmas presentation
On St. Nicholas Day the presentation of the iPad version of Hans Christian Andersen’s “Snow Queen” from A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers and “Timecode LLC” took place.
Apr 23, 2012
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers celebrated its 20th anniversary in the chimney hall of the Writers’ Union of Ukraine.
The format of the holiday anticipated that every participant and guest should climb on a chair (and the more bold ones – on a stool) and read a children’s verse aloud standing on it. Everyone gladly responded to such an offer. Plenty of verses were read aloud, many songs were sang, hundreds of laughters sounded and, most importantly, nobody fell down from the stool.
May 10, 2011
Today Ivan Malkovych – the founder, the head and the editor-in chief of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers celebrates his 50th Jubilee. He received birthday wishes from the current Head of State; from Viktor Yushchenko, the ex-President of Ukraine; Yulia Tymoshenko, the ex-Prime-Minister of Ukraine; from his numerous readers, friends, artists, cultural and public figures.
Dec 17, 2010
Lina Kostenko presented her first prose novel “Diary of a Ukrainian Madman”
Covered by “The Ukrainian Truth” and “Ukrinform”, Photo by Serhiy Marchenko and from the “Glavred” website
On the eve of St. Nicholas Day, ”Diary of a Ukrainian Madman” by Lina Kostenko, one of the most anticipated books in the Ukrainian literature was presented.
This is the first prose novel by Lina Kostenko and her first new book for the last 20 years. The book was presented by Ivan Malkovych and Lina Kostenko.
Sep 17, 2010
The presentation of “The Sleepwalkers. Dreams of Ukrainian Writers”
Taras Malkovych, the author and compiler of “The Sleepwalkers” anthology and Ivan Malkovych, the editor of the book, succeeded to do something next to impossible: in the time allotted — 1 hour 45 minutes — not only did they managed to give the 23 writers (the authors of the anthology) the opportunity to share their dreams, but also to read aloud their own dreams included into “The Sleepwalkers” anthology.
Sep 04, 2010
Ivan Malkovych became a friend of Euro-2012
The first “friends of Euro-2012” were introduced in Kyiv.
An official presentation of “friends of Euro-2012” project was held in Kyiv on September 3rd, where four famous Ukrainians who received the status of “friends” of the Championship were introduced. This project is going to unite people who will contribute their efforts and achievements into popularizing Euro-2012 in Ukraine and Poland. 100 people will be selected within the year, 50 famous contemporaries and 50 people selected from ordinary citizens of Ukraine based on the results of various competitions, held by the IOC. The first competition, for the best painting about Euro-2012 begins on September 15th.
Apr 23, 2010
PHOTOS from the presentation of the book “A Wonderful Monster in the Land of Monstrous Beasts”
On the International Children’s Book and Copyright Day, A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers in collaboration with the “Inter” TV channel, the “Crazy Fathers” TV programme and café “Volkonsky” led a presentation of its new book, “A Wonderful Monster in the Land of Monstrous Beasts”. The participants of the presentation were the writer Sashko Dermansky and Ivan Malkovych, the head of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers.
Jan 27, 2010
The book “The Squires-Sorcerers” by Volodymyr Rutkivsky topped the book rating of the “2009 LitAccent of the Year”
“The LitAccent of the Year” is the award, founded by the “LitAkcent web portal”. This is the second year that it notes two best books written in Ukrainian and published within the current year in Ukraine or abroad. There are two nominations: “Fiction” (a new work of a contemporary author) and “Literary Studies” (a research made by a contemporary author).
The unanimous winner in the “Fiction” nomination (7 votes from 7 jury members), awarded with the cash prize of UAH 5 000 became the novel called “The Squires-Sorcerers” by a famous Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Rutkivsky (A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers).
Oct 08, 2009
The presentation of “The Ukrainian Space” encyclopedia by A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers
”The Ukrainian Space” is a unique edition about the world astronautics and a significant Ukrainian contribution to the conquest of the endless Space. This was mainly discussed at the presentation of an encyclopedia “The Ukrainian Space” by A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers that took place within “The World Space Week” held by the UNO.
Oct 05, 2009
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers presented “The Children’s Gospel” (Stories about Jesus) in the premises of the Writers’ Union of Ukraine
The participants of the presentation were:
- Bishop Yevstratiy (Zoria), the Vasylkiv city Bishop, head of the Information and Publishing Department of the Kyiv Patriarchate (UOC-KP)
- Archimandrite Kyrylo (Hovorun), the head of the Department for External Church Relations (UOC-MP)
- Bishop Yosyp (Milyan), an Auxillary Bishop of the Kyiv archdiocese of UGCC
- Kost’ Lavro, the main artist of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers
- Ivan Malkovych, a poet, the head of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers
Dec 15, 2008
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA has for three years in a row been displayed on the main Christmas Tree of Ukraine
Many fans of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers have had a chance to admire our best illustrations, decorating the main Christmas Tree of Ukraine for three years in a row.
Sep 25, 2007
A loud presentation of the final part of the “Harry Potter” book series
For the first time the soundtracks to Harry Potter fiction film by the Oscar-winning composer John Williams sounded live in Ukraine
“The dedication of this book is split seven ways: to Neil, to Jessica, to David, to Kenzie, to Di, to Anne, and to you, if you have stick with Harry until the very end.”
Apr 23, 2007
The President of Ukraine congratulated A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers on its 15th anniversary
On April 23, to the International Book Day, the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko congratulated A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers – the oldest children’s publishing house of the Independent Ukraine – on its 15th anniversary and met its leading artists.
Dec 19, 2006
“The Ukrainian ABC” is listed in the Guinness Book of Records
In the premises of “The Ukrainian House”, the first Christmas Book Fair opened.
The major attention-drawer is “The Ukrainian ABC” published by A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA, placed at the entrance to the House. No wonder! As its dimensions are 3x4 meters! This is the biggest printed book in the world. A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers printed in at “Sova” design center. The weight of this bookie is nearly 250kg!
Jun 02, 2004
“TOREADORS…” FOREVER! The Patriarch of Ukrainian children’s books has his first presentation
I remember my granny searching for me, a small schoolboy, all over the yard, and cursing me for not coming to eat my dinner. I couldn’t hear her voice then, because I hid in the raspberry bushes and “transported” myself to the village of Vasiukivka to join a company of inventive guys Yava Ren’ and Pavlusha Zavhorodniy. At that time, accompanied with the “Toreadors” I spent fabulous holidays, and up to now am I grateful to my grandpa Ivan who found for me in his attic the book “Toreadors from Vasiukivka” by Vsevolod Nestayko, already shabby from its frequent rereading.
Jun 01, 2002
The slogan of the event was: “Rather than complain about darkness, better just light a candle, and darkness will become less dark.”
Apr 16, 2002
“Only those most indifferent towards literature…”
“Only those most indifferent towards literature could fail to see the frantic whirl around J. K. Rowling’s book series with her main protagonist, a small wizard called Harry Potter – as lately the whole world has been gripped by Potter-mania”… And who else than A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA was to make the famed Harry Potter speak Ukrainian, and to hold the book presentation so spectacularly, having deeply and long-lastingly impressed all the visitors?
May 10, 2006
An exhibition of the best illustrations of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers opened in the National Book and Printing Museum
An exhibition of the best illustrations of A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers opened in the National Book and Printing Museum
Oct 07, 1998
The first exhibition of illustrations from books published by A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA
A-BA-BA-HA-LA-MA-HA Publishers held its first exhibition of illustrations from its books.