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Diary of a Ukrainian Madman

Author: Lina Kostenko
Illustrations by: Vladyslav Yerko (headpieces)
Age group: adults
Type of publication: hardcover, glossy and matt
Format: 130×200 mm
Number of pages: 416
RRP in Ukraine: 140 UAH
On sale since 17 December 2010
ISBN 978-966-7047-88-7
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This is the first new book by Lina Kostenko for the last 20 years of silence and her fist prose novel.

The novel is written on behalf of a 35-year-old programmer, who, in the background of his personal drama, is scanning every contortion of our globalized era in a meticulous, deep and excruciating way.

In the light of excessive (dis)information and total estrangement he is a hostage of world absurdities, striving to overcome the communicative abyss between a husband and a wife, his family and job, Ukraine and the outer world.

Stylistically, "Diary of a Ukrainian Madman” is an intense mix of fiction, inner diaries, modern chronicle and journalism.