Коротка адреса цієї сторінки

The Painted Fox

Author: Ivan Franko
Illustrations by: Kost' Lavro
Type of publication: colorful
Format: 290 х 235 mm
Number of pages: 28
RRP in Ukraine: 120 UAH
On sale since 11 September 2014
ISBN 978-617-585-079-4
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”The Painted Fox” is one of the most well-known fables by Ivan Franko, a prominent Ukrainian writer. The rollicking and presumptuous Fox jumps through hoops to impress his friends with his wicked nimbleness. Even when he gets into real trouble, the sly Fox ultimately manages to turn everything out for his own benefit. Though, in his endless egotism the Fox forgot a wise proverb: “You can get through the whole world with lies, but you won`t return”…

The fable was illustrated by Kost' Lavro, a beloved artist of the Ukrainian kids.