Коротка адреса цієї сторінки

The Tales of Omelko the Dragon

Author: Sashko Dermansky
Illustrations by: Victoria Palchun
Age group: elementary school
Type of publication: hardcover, glossy, colorful
Format: 265×265 mm
Number of pages: 32
RRP in Ukraine: 140 UAH
On sale since 12 November 2012
ISBN 978-617-585-027-5
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A new book by Sashko Dermansky — the youngest and the most joyful modern Ukrainian children’s writer — is the long-awaited trip to the fabulous world of Omelko the Dragon, who is a tireless storyteller, knowing plenty of tales, but he is always in a lack of listeners. As soon as he stalks to anybody to tell them a tale, they scream at once: “Dragon!” — and everybody runs away… You can surely imagine how happy poor Omelko would be if you read and love his great tales…