Коротка адреса цієї сторінки

The Newest Adventures of Kolko Koliuchka the Hedgehog and Kosia Vukhan the Bunny

The book is illustrated by children
Author: Vsevolod Nestayko
Illustrations by: illustrated by children
Age group: primary and secondary school
Type of publication: colorful
Format: 205x260 mm
Number of pages: 160
RRP in Ukraine: 140 UAH
On sale since 9 April 2009
ISBN 978-966-7047-85-6
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This is the newest and as always exciting book by the patriarch of the modern Ukrainian children’s literature Vsevolod Nestayko. For the first time ever a book by the famed writer has been illustrated by children. These junior artists are your coevals from art schools and ordinary schools. A lot of talented children’s paintings were given to us by the writer himself – children were sending them to him for the radio program where these stories sounded for the first time.

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