Коротка адреса цієї сторінки

Dog and his Friends on the Moon

Author: Heorhiy Khymych
Translated by: Motria Onyschuk
Illustrations by: Serhiy Savchenko

Age group: preschools and elementary school
Type of publication: gift-book, hardcover, colorful
Format: 205×255 mm
Year of publiction: 2000
(out of print)
ISBN 966-7047-17-2
not in sale

Ever wonder why a dog howls at the moon?
Perhaps you’ll find the answer to this question in our story about four friends — Dog, Cat, Rabbit and Rooster — who love to wander the world over.One day, they set off on a big space adventure to the moon. All, that is, except for...

Versos and Rectos (the Ukrainian edition)


  • 2nd award of the Book of the Year-2000 National Contest

The Ukrainian edition